Public Facing Portal No Single or Double Quotes (example ' or ") OR special characters (except "-" or "_") Indicates required information Contact Information State: Default is TX but can be changed as needed First Name Middle Initial Last Name Social Security Number (SSN) (xxxxxxxxx) Address Line 1 (include apartment number) Address Line 2 (Optional) City State Select ALABAMA ALASKA AMERICAN SAMOA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE FLORIDA GEORGIA GUAM HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA PUERTO RICO RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGIN ISLANDS VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING Zip code Email Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx) Additional Information Employer Name: (Self if self-employed, contractor, freelancer, etc. or None if currently not employed) Employer Name (Self if self-employed) Type of Submission Please review the options below before making your selection. Report Suspected Fraud (Not ID Theft): Select this to report potential fraud in any TWC program. Not for ID theft. Did not file the UI claim: Select this to report someone/an imposter filed an unemployment claim using your SSN. Did not file the UI claim but now need to: Select this to report someone/an imposter filed an unemployment claim using your SSN and you now need to file a claim. Unauthorized changes on claim: Select this to report that unauthorized changes were made on your claim (i.e., bank account, address). Received a 1099-G but did not file the UI claim: Select this to report that you received an IRS 1099-G form for benefits paid on a claim that you did not file. (Not for use if you filed the claim but believe the amount paid is incorrect.) Type of submission Select Report Suspected Fraud (Not ID Theft) Did not file the UI claim Did not file the UI claim but now need to Unauthorized changes on claim Received a 1099-G but did not file the UI claim. File Upload ACCEPTABLE UPLOAD FILES FOR EACH TYPE OF SUBMISSION Reporting Suspected Fraud: Submit any document(s) or upload a brief summary document describing alleged fraud. Did not File the UI claim: Submit a copy of any claim documents received from TWC and/or copy of your Driver's License. Did not File the UI claim but now need to: Submit a copy of any claim documents received from TWC and/or copy of your Driver's License. Unauthorized changes on claim: Submit a copy of your Driver License or Identification Card, your contact information, and a brief description of the unauthorized change(s). Received a 1099-G but did not file the UI claim: Submit a copy of your Driver License or ID Card and copy of the 1099-G form. INSTRUCTIONS Click "browse to attach files" to select the file(s) being submitted (only the following types: pdf,bmp,gif,jpg,jpeg,png,tiff) On the file upload window, select the file(s) to upload and click Open or double-click to add No filenames with special characters (except "-" or "_") Do you have a file to upload?*(required) Yes No Add File Business Use Notice Unauthorized access is prohibited by Law and is subject to criminal prosecution. Your IP address has been logged in an IDS device. Usage may be subject to security testing and monitoring. All users of State networks and systems should keep in mind that all such usage can be recorded and stored along with the source and destination. The System path record is the property of the Texas Workforce Commission. Such information is subject to the Texas Public Information Act and the laws applicable to State records retention. Users have no right to privacy with regard to Internet or other state network use. Management has the ability and right to view usage patterns and take action to assure that Texas Workforce Commission resources are devoted to authorized activities and maintain the highest levels of productivity. Submit Cancel