Computation Worksheet for Unemployment Tax, Interest and Penalty Due

red asterisk indicates required information


The computation worksheet is a tool provided for your convenience in computing the amount of unemployment tax due, and the interest and penalty due if your tax report and/or tax payment is submitted after the due date.
This worksheet is not intended to be used to calculate amounts due for reports with extended due dates or quarterly report periods beyond five years. Please contact your local tax office for assistance.
You will need information from your Employer's Quarterly Report (Form C-3) to use this worksheet.

Tax Due (Item 15) Computation

To calculate the Tax Due, enter the Tax Rate (Item 4), Taxable Wages (Item 14), and Quarterly Report Period (Item 7).
red asterisk
(Enter Tax Rate (Item 4))
red asterisk
(Enter Taxable Wages (Item 14))
red asterisk
(Enter Quarter and Year (Item 7)
Example: 1st Quarter 2012 = 12012)

Interest for Late Payment (Item 16) Computation

In accordance with Section 213.021 of the TUCA, interest for late payment of taxes is assessed at a rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) of the amount of tax for each month or part of a month elapsed after the final due date. Maximum interest = 37.5%.
(Enter the Payment Date                             Example: 2012
Defaults to today's date if left blank.)

Penalty for Late Report (Item 17) Computation

This is in accordance with Section 213.022 of the TUCA. If report is filed during the first 15 days after the final due date, the penalty is $15.00. If report is not filed during the first 15 days after the final due date, then one of the following computations will be used to calculate the penalty for a late report.
  • Report is filed after 15 days but no later than the last day of the month after the final due date:

           Taxable Wages (Item 14)    ×    .05%     +    $30.00     =     Penalty (Item 17)

  • Report is filed during the second month after the final due date:

           Taxable Wages (Item 14)    ×    .15%     +    $60.00     =     Penalty (Item 17)

  • Report is filed during or after the third month after the final due date:

           Taxable Wages (Item 14)    ×    .35%     +    $90.00     =     Penalty (Item 17)

(Enter the date Report is filed on.                Example: 2012
Defaults to today's date if left blank.)


If you have any questions, contact the nearest Texas Workforce Commission Tax Office for assistance.

See Also