Claim and Payment Status shows information about the status of your claim and the results of your payment requests.
When you are working while drawing Unemployment Benefits, state law allows you to earn 25 percent of your
weekly benefit amount (WBA) and still receive your full WBA. When you earn more than 25 percent of your WBA, TWC reduces your weekly benefits on a dollar for dollar basis.
For example, say your WBA is $200. One week you earn $50, which is 25 percent of your WBA. You will receive your full WBA for that week, and your income will be $250 ($50 in earnings plus $200 in benefits).
The next week you earn $100. This is $50 more than 25 percent of your WBA, so TWC will reduce your benefits for the week by $50. Your income will remain $250 ($100 in earnings plus $150 in benefits).
The week after that you earn $300, which is more than your WBA plus 25 percent. You will not receive any benefits for that week. Your income will be $300 ($300 in earnings plus $0 in benefits).
Note to New Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA) recipients: If you work part-time while attending full-time training, TWC uses a different calculation to determine your weekly TRA payment. Contact the TRA unit at (512) 463-2999, if you have questions about how to calculate your TRA payment while working part time and attending full-time training.